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Ritt’s Values Ranking

Values, beliefs and standards are the foundations stones of your business.  They inform how you behave and what you communicate internally and to those outside of your business.  They help to ground you and give you roots that anchor and support your business. So how do you determine the right values for your business?

Feel free to request the templates I am happy to share.

This diamond ranking exercise is a starting point

Values Ranking Exercisse.001

  1.  Consider the description on each card
  2.  Place each card in the diamond according to the importance you place on it
  3.  There can only be one card for each position – you have to decide
  4.  Ask other stakeholders in the business to rank the values
  5.  Discuss and agree a common theme

You may well find other descriptions come out from the discussion.  That is good – if they describe your business values better then that is brilliant!

With thanks to Henri for his collection of caricatures PSB Collector 

Please do share your experiences with this model in the comments below.  I am building a portfolio of small business case studies and would love to include examples of what has worked well for you. 

PS – If you need further help then give me a call on 07962 626604 to arrange a Skype session with me.

PPS – This exercise forms part of a series of workshops on Critical Success Factors

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