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Johari’s Window

This model was designed by two psychologists Joseph Luft and Harry Ingram to illustrate the importance for sharing information and giving feedback as a way of increasing understanding and trust.  It’s a brilliant tool that has stood the test of time and great for using on any subject where there is a mental block.

Feel free to request the templates

1. Familiarise self with the four windows

Johari's Window image.001

2. Consider how open you are to receiving feedback and sharing information?

3. Consider how good are you giving feedback and exploring with others?

Johari's Window 2 image.001

3. Here is a link to an online version of the characteristics test that Luft and Ingram designed.  You can ask for feedback from others and share the results as a starting point for opening up. Have a go

Johari's Window.004

Please share your experiences with this model in the comments below.  I am building a portfolio of small business case studies and would love to include examples of what has worked well for you.

PS – If you need further help then give me a call on 07962 626604 to arrange a Skype session with me.

PPS – This exercise forms part of a series of workshops on Marvellous Mentoring

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