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Strategic Drift & Flux

Most businesses quite rightly develop incrementally based on historical success.  It makes no sense to dramatically change your business model if you are in line with environmental changes that are happening in and around your business.  The challenge  for managers (and it is a big challenge) is the question around how long should they rely on incremental changes and when might they make more dramatic changes. 

In this video we are looking at Strategic Drift, and how to recognise it.  First we explore Johnson, Scholes and Whittington’ model of the same name and then Thompson’s alternative SWOT model entitled E-V-R Congruence Concept.  What is strategic drift exactly?

Watch the video for background information about Strategic Drift, Flux and the E-V-R Congruence Concept, feel free to request the templates I am happy to share.

Strategic Drift.002

1. Use the above model to recongise the current and projected environmental impact on your business

Strategic Drift.003

2. Discuss with your team the impact of current and projected environmental changes in relation to the suitability of the environment, the feasibility of resources needed and the acceptability of values

Strategic Drift.004

3. Use post it notes to plot your outcomes on the template.  The aim is to create a balanced strategy that maximises business success

Please do share your experiences with these models in the comments below.  I am building a portfolio of small business case studies and would love to include examples of what has worked well for you.

PS – If you need further help then give me a call on 07962 626604 to arrange a Skype session with me.

PPS – This exercise forms part of a series of workshops on Double Trouble Shooting

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